Sub-G Solar Power Asset Tracker
RF RX Sub-G example terminal | RF RX 2G/3G/4G Server example log |
Enter COMPANY ID nad DEVCIE ID provided on the AXDEN Aggregator Platform website into COMPANY_ID and DEVCIE_ID in the Protocol.h header file.
[AXDEN Aggregator Platfrom](
`#define COMPANY_ID 0`
`#define DEVICE_TYPE 0`
Complie and flash.
Check whether COMPANY_ID and DEVICE_ID are applied correctly through the terminal
Sensor information can be found on the Web or Mobile as shown in the image below
------------------------- ### How to change the server IP and Port can be changed in the `set_bg96_socket_connect` function of the `bg96_tcp_data_upload` function of the bg96.c file.
IP and Port can be changed in the `sara_u2_tcp_data_upload` function of the `set_sara_socket_connect` function of the sara_u2.c file
------------------------- ### How th change the GPS and cellular communication module Module replacement is possible in the Protocol.h file.
``` #define BG96 #define SARA_U2 #define QUECTEL_GPS #define UBLOX_GPS ```` When BG95/96 is used, -> #define SARA_U2 / Annotated
Same as the image below.Set UART Pin in syscfg file
When SARA-U2 in used, -> #define BG96 / Annotated
Same as the image below.Set UART Pin in syscfg file
When L70 in used, -> #define UBLOX_GPS / Annotated
When NEO-M8N in used -> #define QUECTEL_GPS / Annotated ### Hardware Pinmap You can check in the board_define.h header file. ---- ### [Firmware settings and compilation]( ---- ### [Firmware flash](